2024 WERS For Skylights Certified Products Directory - AFRC

2024 WERS For Skylights Certified Products Directory - AFRC

1. Usky is the whole Skylight U-value
2. SHGCsky is the whole skylight solar heat gain coefficient
3. Static performance (Usky SHGCsky Tvsky) calculated using Therm 7.4 software (LBNL), 1999-2016
4. Results disclosed at Australian Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC) regulations.
5. Results conducted to the AFRC Skylight Simulation Manual (Feb 2011).
6. Skylight Star Rating Results are based on the 'WERS for Skylights Star Rating Algorithms V1.2a' by Dr Peter Lyons.
7. Heating Stars based on Usky performance.
8. Cooling Stars based on SHGCsky performance.
9. Daylight Stars based on Tvsky to SHGCsky performance.

Calidad Industries

Skylight ID Frame Cooling Stars Heating Stars Daylighting Stars Usky SHGCw AS4285
CAL-001-01 SUNLITE SKYLIGHT - Plexiglass Dome - Colourbond Shaft - Mulfords Pattern 12 Diffuser Pending Pending Pending 3.6 0.37